Back to work, and starting swimming again

This morning I actually made it back into work, to what has been quite a quiet day in the office as I attempted to catch up on what I'd missed over the past few weeks, working out what needs to be done for when, and then actually starting on it all.

I spent my lunchtime picking at half a chicken and trying to find somewhere to live come the end of January, at which time I should be moving out of the accommodation that's been provided for my first three months here. I've left it later than I should have done to try and find somewhere, but I'm told I can extend my stay here if necessary, until I find a place of my own. I want to be into my own place as soon as possible though.

Preferably I'd want to move into a flat share somewhere not too far from where I am now (or at least somewhere south of the city) that's close to the U-bahn. I'd like to move in to a place where I can more easily meet people, with someone who I can learn some German from, and even help them practise their English. I haven't yet found anywhere that fitted what I was after, so I posted an accommodation wanted advert in both (broken) German and then in English, just to be sure:
Ich komme aus Grossbritannien nach Stuttgart zum arbeite. Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsche aber Ich will zu lernen mehr. Ich bin 23 Jahre alt und Nichtraucher.

Ich suche ein Zimmer in Stuttgart nahe zu Moehringen, Degerloch, Stuttgart-Sud oder Vaihingen baldmöglichst (Januar/Februar 2006).


I recently moved from Britain to Stuttgart to start my job here. I am 23 years old and speak English but I also speak a little German and want to learn a lot more. I am not a smoker.

I'd like to find somewhere to live by the end of January or February, preferably near to Moehringen, Degerloch, Stuttgart-Sud or Vaihingen.
Hopefully I'll hear from someone, but I'll keep looking anyway. Ooh, in fact I've just heard from a lady offering a room near the centre of town, though it'd be a place by myself. Still, I'll have to look into that tomorrow I think.

Anyway, I've been telling myself all day today that I was going to go swimming after work, trying to get back into a routine like I was in London for some time. I even went out yesterday to get a new pair of swimming trunks after my last pair disappeared at some point over the past few weeks. (Exactly how do they size swimming trunks over here anyway? It confused me in the shop yesterday and I think I probably bought a pair that was a size too small). To try and encourage me to keep going back to the pool relatively regularly, I bought a ten-entry token which even saves me 35¢ for each visit. I've almost lost it twice now already, so I'll just have to see how long that lasts. Swimming is a nice way to end a day, though I know I'll feel it tomorrow on top of the aches and pains I got from travelling yesterday. I'm such an old man.

I was a little naughty on the way back from the pool, and stopped off to buy a couple of bars of chocolate and a few beers, but at least I stayed away from the Irish bar, which I was also tempted by.


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